Thursday, March 15, 2012

PALETTE & PAINT: A rhapsody of colour

What a HUGE day!  Can you believe this is my fourth blog post in one day? I think that's a record!  My Palette & Paint looks a little different than usual, as the MPC reveal was today, and the topic was 'Rhapsody of Colour' and what better way to paint that than with these bright, fun looking brushes!

I must admit I left the painting to the last minute again, it just sneaked up on me.  I thought it would be a good idea to do something that was quick and immediate this time around, so I got out the silk and the silk paints and had a bit of fun!

This was a very different way for me to work. Such a delicate and unforgiving way to create an image. No room for mistakes. It's a similar process to watercolours, where less is more and it's a gradual build up of thin colours, letting the white of the surface show through for the lights. There is a delightful spontaneity that happens with chance mixes on the silk, the paint spread uncontrollably if you don't use a antifusant. Have you ever played with Silk Painting?

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  1. Hi Tracey,
    Stopped by to tell you that the Artist's Play Room is now LIVE, since you'd been kind and signed up to participate!

    Jenn of
