Friday, September 13, 2013


I'm loving this time of the year here in Australia, spring has sprung! The garden has come alive, so many plants are flowering.  It's got me all inspired. I'm so fascinated at the way things grow at the moment and watching nature transform daily really intrigues me.

I want to do a larger still life with a few different flowers in a vase. Above is a practice piece to get the hang of painting a rose.  I'm enjoying this colour combination, that yellow really pops!

In other news, this week over on my Facebook page, the 1,500 likes mark was reached, which means it's GIVEAWAY time! I'm gifting the above painting to an active Facebook fan. All you have to do for a chance to win the painting is like, comment or interact in any way with the page over the next two weeks. If you do, I'll put your name in a hat (or such) and draw the prize on Friday 27th September. 

Visit the page here:

Also, I  dropped these four paintings (above and below) into a handmade boutique yesterday. The store is called Handmade Highstreet, they have all sorts of beautiful wares.

Last but not least, Here are the past two Flashback Fridays!

 Happy Paint Party Friday and wishing you all a productive and creative week.  x

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  1. The yellow roses look beautiful already Tracey.
    Happy PPF, Annette x

  2. Spring is definately my favourite season of all! Congrats on reaching a whopping 1500 fb fans! You certainly are a busy bee at the moment. x

  3. So much beautiful art here and all so varied! Your yellow rose is amazing and looks wonderful in front of that gorgeous aqua/turquoise background. I love the randonmess of the pretty girl cuddling an octopus and your birds at the end are so much fun!

  4. Such beautiful art. I really like your rose painting and your flashback birds.

  5. I saw that blue and yellow flower on instagram and fell in love. It is a stunner!

  6. Tracey, these are amazing paintings. I love the yellow rose with the blueish background. And the faces you have made are stunning. So beautiful.

  7. I love yellow roses! Your work is always so beautiful. We're just entering fall here, but I'd go back to spring and replay summer in a heartbeat! I'm not ready for it to end yet.

  8. Stunning yellow roses...just love them. What a great body of work you are showing here...just wonderful!! Have a great spring as I go into Fall!!

    Hugs Giggles

  9. I agree, the yellow pops out beautifully from that turquoise/teal back ground, and the roses are wonderful. I love this time of the year too - finally, the summer heat is over, and air becomes fresh and cool, and the wind clears the mind :). I'm looking forward to seeing your flower painting!

  10. The yellow rose is just fabulous, Tracey. And I love the paintings you left at the shop for sale, especially the girl with the white bird.

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