Thursday, March 15, 2012

Palette & Paint #17

What an eventful Thursday!

The MPC artists (including myself) are revealing their paintings today
 and the P&P artists are sharing their Palettes & Paintings, lots of great art to be seen.

Let's get the...

... party started!

Kirsten joined in the fun for the first time with this whimsically piece.

Andrea 'Shared the Joy', with some beautiful paintings of mandalas and zentangles.

Nordljus took the time to do colour charts on her paints, 
and shared with us some very helpful pigment information.

Peggy played around with some beautiful jewellery. Lovely colours as always!

Stephanie started two small paintings for an upcoming show.

Tracey {Your Host} worked more on painting hands.

The P&P SHOWCASE #16 will be shared throughout the day on:

 Above is a slideshow of all the P&P SHOWCASES.
If you see a piece you'd like to know more about
visit flickr for the link to the artist's blog

Now it's your turn...

If you are NEW please read about the P&P Blog Party before linking.

Please make sure to use your post URL address NOT your blog home page URL address

1. peggy g  3. Stephanie Corder  
2. Nordljus  4. Tracey G Potter  

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  1. Our crab apple tree out front just showed it's first buds and I am hoping they all get to bloom if the rain does not interfere!
    One of my favorite paintings by Van Gogh!

    1. How Spectacular to have you own crab apple tree! Thanks for playing along Peggy, I love seeing your Artwork and Materials. xx
